Posted in Blog, Relationships, Goals, Love

Relationship Goals 3

Hello! I apologise for my inconsistency, Anyway today we have a guest speaker in the house 🙌He is one speaker I respect so much and I love to listen to anyday and anytime. He is Pastor Mike Todd.

Pastor Mike Todd. Lead Pastor; The Transformation Church, Tulsa.

So our sub-topic today is: Single but not Alone

It’s a norm in our society, when a young man/woman gets to a certain age, questions are asked… When you getting married? I saw you with some boy, what’s your relationship with him? Little kids play with ken and barbie and all they’re saying is, they’re gonna get married…We grow up with the mentality that when we get to a certain age, we must be married, and if we’re not, then we’ve failed. How pathetic!Then we see alot of people getting upset, pushing hard and striving so hard to get into a relationship that leads to marriage… When you do this, you’re indirectly telling yourself,

In my single state I am not enough! As long as I’m not married, I am not enough!

You are enough! Singleness is the most important time of your life, it’s a time when you’re only responsible for yourself.We need to realize that we can’t go into relationships half hazardly. Lol… I’ve listened to my room mates gush about some guy they met newly

Gosh, he’s so fine, he’s peng and damn… He’s light skinned, my spec

But that’s only the outward look. “The covenant of Marriage is so strong that God advices us in the Bible, not to go in unless we’re fully prepared.”A lot of us, are so sick of being single, we think marriage is going to slove the problem.You get so sick of yourself, you look for someone else to make you feel better but that other person is also sick of themselves… y’all become two sick people struggling to make it work and continuously beating each other’s souls.

Take time to figure out “you” in singleness. When you don’t know “you”, you won’t pick right, rather you tend to pick who “you”think is right.

Before you get married take time out and spend time with yourself and with God. Matthew 22:36-39 gives us the formula Jesus left with us for a perfect marriage.

You can never love a person without first loving yourself. Your priority should be like this –


Most of us spend so much time hating things about ourselves that we don’t realize we’re crippling our ability to love others. There’s no way you can figure out how to love somebody else well in a relationship if you have not first figured out how to love yourself.

Some of us treat ourselves so ugly. We settle for way less than what we know we deserve. We violate our bodies and our hearts and allow others to do the same. We use our own words to put ourselves down constantly.

The way God created you was not a mistake. Remember, He made the human race amd He “saw that it was very good!” (Genesis 1:31). He calls you His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). He wants you to see yourself the way He sees you loved and valuable

Pastor Mike Todd

We’ll stop here for today but there’s going to be more by tomorrow😌

Thanks for reading!!!!! ❤️
Mope ❤️


Fun-sized Nerd, you see, I want you to read my thoughts unspoken, see the world from my perspective and chill

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