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Appreciation Post

There’s a proverb I’ve stolen from Salem King on Instagram. It says something about the turtle getting to the top of the fence only because someone helped carry it there.

We’re all turtles if you think about it. And at certain points, we needed help from someone. There was or there is someone who keeps pushing is to give our best, to be our best, to put in our best.

Someone who keeps breaking our heads when we’re about to let little successes make us become local champions. Someone who keep speaking life into us and giving us resources to keep pushing.

I have a truck load of these people, people who saw in me what I didn’t see or couldn’t believe I had. People who pushed me and continually spoke words of life and wisdom over me. People who sacrificed and made sure I got Opportunities. People who didn’t let me give up because I didn’t have the resources to start.

People who made sure I invested in myself and made sure my work was always Excellent and above standard. Everyday I thank God for their lives and the fact that I didn’t resist or make them give up on me.

These are the people who have made me learn excellent work ethics that has ensured that my name is mentioned in rooms I don’t have access to.

Let’s do a little exercise, think of someone who was like a stepping stone, who helped you harness whatever it is you have, and has helped you attain a certain height of achievement.

Send them an appreciation message. 😘 I wish you the best today.

Till next time

Love and Light

Mopelola Ukpai ❤️


Fun-sized Nerd, you see, I want you to read my thoughts unspoken, see the world from my perspective and chill

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