Posted in Rants

How are you?

Every close friend of mine has at numerous points, queried me for replying their “how are you?” with “I’m tired”

I’ve always wondered at what exactly I’m tired of, I knew it wasn’t physical tiredness, it was an internal tiredness.

I listened to someone talk and he made me realise what exactly I am tired of.

I am tired of social media… especially that bird app and the green app, I’m tired of being exposed to numerous sentimental, bias and fallacious reasoning. I’m tired of fighting for my own space on my own page to put up my own content.

I’m tired of majority of my own gender, who make everything a competition, I’m wearing this clothe or dress because that’s all I have/that’s what I feel like wearing we don’t have to compete for who looks more pretty,or who’s best dressed.

I’m tired of the fakeness of everything, come on,when did we allow society define us, Put pressure on us and take our sanity away?

I face the above mentioned and more every day. I’ve to decide what my response will be, an action, or a reaction? and by the end of the day, I’m tired and drained.

I try not to reply with I’m tired again tho,cause explaining why you’re tired, is a lotta work in itself. I haven’t found a remedy, but I realised that whenever I take deep breath and tell God exactly how I feel, I’m able to be at peace and exclude myself from all that mental pressure.

♥️ &💡



Fun-sized Nerd, you see, I want you to read my thoughts unspoken, see the world from my perspective and chill

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