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Lesson’s from March

Happy new month!!!!!!

So I tagged March as my #moneymarch 😁, I didn’t make the money as much as I wanted, but I did invest in myself, and I can’t wait to start earning off my investments.

Anyway, here are a few things I learned in March.

#1. I attract what I think. It’s so easy to notice a yellow car when you’re thinking of the color yellow. It’s a neurological thingy. One time, I just randomly laughed at the thought of my boss firing me, and yo that evening I got a call that almost terminated my contract 😭. From that evening, I started thinking of good things.

#2. I learned that even though I’m an introvert, I don’t have to be shy. There’s actually a difference between being introvert and being shy. I joined a lot of communities and groups and I’m learning to socialize, and make new friends.

#3. I learned to practicalize patience. Someone called me one day and was yelling non stop, the funny thing was, that he had the wrong information and didn’t bother to confirm first before he called to rant. If I had replied in anger, that call will end on a bad note, but I took a deep breath, and patiently explained things, and he dumbly and stiffly realized his mistake.

#4. Family will annoy you, but at the end of the day, they’re all you have.

#5. My mental health is important. Anxiety and I had a tough battle through out the month of March, I really don’t want to go through with that ever again.

#6. My dreams are valid. I had goals I wanted to reach before first quarter was over and I wrote them down last year while I was making posts for blogmas. I found the book I wrote in and yo, I actually did achieve them. Wrote down your dreams and pray about it.

Did you achieve your goals for Q1? What are your goals for Q2? I wish you the very best. April for me is for celebration, and spring cleaning… I’ll be cleaning alot of things.